SHAPENCOLOR TOWN: 772 words 32 pages
Cyan Waters is a blue circle child. She lives in the neighborhood of blue circles in the town of Shapencolor. Richard Embers lives in the red square neighborhood, and Marigold Sun in the yellow triangle district. The children don’t interact. The people of the three separate neighborhoods do not mix, except on community picnic day. They all go to White Park. They carry in and eat their distinct foods in separate sections of the park. While grumbling about the peculiarities of others, accidents happen. A city-wide food fight ensues, and the three primary colors merge to a full color wheel world. By the end of the book Shapencolor Town is in a full spectrum of beautiful hues and multiple interesting shapes.
Status of project: Text complete, and beta vetted. Fully drawn dummy book complete. Six pages complete as possible finished illustration style.